
Female fox Learn more about Female fox

  • The oestrus Law of female Fox

    The oestrus Law of female Fox

    The estrus of the female fox shows that the vulva is covered by pubic hair during the resting period, which is not easy to find; during estrus, the pubic hair is separated due to vaginal swelling. The estrus period of female fox is short, mating is difficult, and the timing of adaptation is also difficult to grasp, especially the empty rate of silver-black fox is higher. In order to improve the reproduction rate, it is necessary to master the oestrus law of female foxes and carry out mating or artificial insemination at the right time. The estrus of female foxes can be divided into three stages: the first stage: the clitoris begins to swell, clitoris enlarges, tends to be heterosexual and sexually excited, and generally continues.

  • Measures to Keep Female Foxes Litter Live

    Measures to Keep Female Foxes Litter Live

    The foxes before weaning are called cubs. The foxes live in stable conditions in the womb before birth and are not easily affected by harmful external factors. After birth, living conditions change dramatically from gas exchange, nutrient intake and waste elimination through the placenta to spontaneous respiration, food intake and excretion. Because the adjustment function of all aspects of young fox is not perfect, the sudden change of environmental conditions is easy to cause diseases and even death of young fox. In order to improve the survival rate of young foxes, the following measures are proposed for reference

  • Strengthening the monitoring of foxes during puppy production can improve the survival rate of foxes

    Strengthening the monitoring of foxes during puppy production can improve the survival rate of foxes

    The traditional way to manage the breeding period of foxes is to keep as quiet as possible, and it is strictly forbidden for breeders to disturb female foxes who are giving birth. However, the Jinsha Special Animal Farm in Luozhuang District, Linyi City, Shandong Province has taken a completely opposite approach, allowing the breeders to take the initiative to

    2020-11-08 Breeding fox strengthening puppy period guardianship can improve young fox
  • Problems existing in China's Fox Industry and some suggestions

    Problems existing in China's Fox Industry and some suggestions

    In the past 20 years, the fox industry in China has made great progress, but through a systematic investigation on the current situation of fox farmers in the past 10 years, we have found some noticeable problems affecting reproduction and fur quality. The details are reported as follows. 1 feeding and feed at present, fox farms (households) all over the country are raised in single cages in hospitals; full-price feed is used to add corn flour, sea fish, freshwater fish, beef liver, various meat leftovers, and a small amount of other ingredients to cook

  • It is necessary to grasp the key period of fox breeding in fox breeding.

    It is necessary to grasp the key period of fox breeding in fox breeding.

    Fox is an animal with high economic value, fox fur clothing is very popular, and the northern province is the key distribution area of fox breeding. The estrus mating of foxes is mostly concentrated from February to March, and doing a good job of mating at this time of year is related to the benefit of fox breeding in that year.

    2020-11-08 Breeding fox need grasp mating key period is
  • The Management methods of Fox in different periods

    The Management methods of Fox in different periods

    The Management methods of Fox in different periods

  • There are four ways to breed blue fox.

    There are four ways to breed blue fox.

    This year, 10 households specialized in raising blue foxes in Pulandian City, Liaoning Province have an average litter size of more than 8, which is more than 40% higher than that of local female foxes. According to the investigation, Cai Yu, an expert in raising foxes, has achieved high results in mating rate, pregnancy rate, litter rate, survival rate and economic benefits, with an average litter size of 10.4 in 3 years. Because the breed of blue fox he raised is pure and of high quality, so foxes and furs sell well. There are four main experiences: the introduction of an excellent breed of male and female foxes raised by Cai Yu are all from the Zuo family of Jilin Province.

  • Introduction to the Culture Technology of Blue Fox

    Introduction to the Culture Technology of Blue Fox

    Introduction to the Culture Technology of Blue Fox

  • How to raise and manage the female fox during pregnancy?

    How to raise and manage the female fox during pregnancy?

    Fox breeding is difficult, it is a new breeding industry, and they are very smart, and their value in the market is also very expensive. In addition to the usual daily management work, the feeding and management of female foxes during pregnancy is particularly important.

    2020-11-11 Pregnancy period mother fox how breeding management
  • Identification of estrus in fox and marten

    Identification of estrus in fox and marten

    First, the identification of the fox's estrus: the estrus of the fox is generally from mid-January to mid-March, while that of the arctic fox is from mid-February to late April. Estrus is easy to master in a male fox. When the male fox enters the estrus, the performance is active, tends to be opposite sex, the food intake decreases, the "fox fragrance" in the urine increases frequently, and the male fox shows great interest in it when it is put into the female fox. for example, female foxes can mate smoothly when they are in estrus. The estrus identification of female foxes is complicated, and the common identification methods, vulvar observation and estrus test are commonly used.

  • A Summary of the epidemic of Fox Disease in 2001

    A Summary of the epidemic of Fox Disease in 2001

    In 2001, the overall situation of fox reproduction and survival of young foxes in the country was not ideal, which was a year with many problems since fox breeding in our country. In the following, the causes of diseases and deaths in fox production are analyzed, and effective preventive measures are put forward to promote the healthy development of fox industry, reduce production losses and obtain higher economic benefits. 1 the main pathogen of suppurative endometritis 1.1 caused by artificial insemination was Pseudomonas aeruginosa after extensive epidemiological investigation and pathogen isolation and identification.

  • The five-stage feeding method teaches you to raise foxes well.

    The five-stage feeding method teaches you to raise foxes well.

    Raising foxes scientifically should be based on raising excellent varieties. The level of fecundity and the quality of daily feeding and management are the key links of breeding benefits. Five breeding methods are introduced below, which can be used for reference by fox farmers. On the premise of choosing a good fox breed, attention should be paid to

    2020-11-08 Five sections feeding breeding teaching you raising foxes science we should use
  • What matters needing attention are there in spring silver fox breeding?

    What matters needing attention are there in spring silver fox breeding?

    Silver fox is also known as silver black fox, also known as metaphysical fox. It gets its name because part of the needle hair is white, while the root and tip of some needle hair are black, and the middle part of the needle hair is silver-white. Silver-black fox has miscellaneous food habits, small food intake, and stronger disease resistance than blue fox, so it is suitable for family breeding. The silver fox in spring

    2020-11-11 Spring silver fox breeding have what precautions also known as
  • Pregnancy and fetal protection of foxes

    Pregnancy and fetal protection of foxes

    Under normal circumstances, after mating, the female fox sperm and egg combine to form a zygote, that is, enter the pregnancy period. The average gestation period of foxes is 52 days. In the early stage of pregnancy, the embryo develops slowly and rapidly in the later stage. After 30 days, the abdominal circumference increased and the intercourse sagged slightly, which became more obvious in the later stage. During pregnancy, due to the development of the fetus, the metabolism of the female fox is exuberant, and the desire to eat not tired of essence increases sharply, the weight of the fox increases accordingly, and the coat color also appears bright. The female fox is docile, timid, sensitive to surrounding foreign bodies and abnormal sound, slow in action, and likes to lie down and rest and bask in the sun.

  • Some problems that should be paid attention to in foxes 'farrowing period

    Some problems that should be paid attention to in foxes 'farrowing period

    Fox farrowing time is mostly concentrated in the night and early morning, the whole process of parturition is mostly 2-3 hours. After giving birth, most female foxes can eat the placenta and lick the mucus from the young fox. Individual first birth fox will not care, often do not eat placenta. The foxes are suckling after birth and the lactation period is 55-60 days. Most female foxes can take good care of their young foxes under normal nutritional conditions, but a few female foxes that have no milk or lack milk, or have not given birth (including stillbirth), and those with diseases will give birth.

  • Feeding and management of foxes before and after mating

    Feeding and management of foxes before and after mating

    Feeding and management of foxes before and after mating

  • Diagnosis and Prevention of Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases in Fox

    Diagnosis and Prevention of Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases in Fox

    Nutritional and metabolic diseases mean that the nutrients contained in feed, especially vitamins and minerals, can not meet the growth and development needs of foxes. Sometimes nutritional metabolic diseases occur not because of insufficient nutrients in feed, but because of digestive disorders in animals. In the preparation of feed, attention should also be paid to the interrelationship between vitamins and minerals (complementary or antagonistic). The following five kinds of nutritional and metabolic diseases are easy to occur in fur animals. (-) Vitamin A deficiency

  • Reproductive organs and physiological characteristics of female Fox

    Reproductive organs and physiological characteristics of female Fox

    The reproductive organs of female foxes are composed of ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina and external reproductive organs. The external reproductive organs include the vaginal vestibule, labia and clitoris. The female fox ovaries are located at the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae, the posterior edge of the kidney. The left ovary is more anterior than the right ovary. The ovaries are flat and grayish red. During estrus, the ovaries are 2 cm long and 1 wide. 5 cm; fallopian tube length 5-7 cm. The ovaries and fallopian tubes are covered with adipose tissue. The uterus is a double horn uterus, and the uterine horn and uterine body are suspended by the broad ligament of the uterus.

  • Fox vitamin b6 deficiency

    Fox vitamin b6 deficiency

    The disease mostly occurs in the fox breeding period, when vitamin B6 deficiency, the male fox appears azoospermia, while the female fox causes empty pregnancy or fetal death, and the growth and development of young foxes are retarded. Therefore, once the lack of vitamin B6 in feed, it will cause great losses to fox production. Symptoms: loss of appetite of foxes, keratosis of epithelial cells, paralysis of hindlimbs in patients with acanthosis, and hypochromic anemia of small cells. The empty rate of pregnant female foxes increased, and the mortality rate of newborn foxes increased. Male fox sexual function disappeared or asexual or asexual reflex, no sperm. Male fox testicular Ming

  • What should be paid attention to when raising foxes?

    What should be paid attention to when raising foxes?

    What should be paid attention to when raising foxes?
